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Nowadays, website optimization is more and more important in the development of enterprise. With the increasing number of websites, the competition of website optimization is becoming more and more intense. In order to ensure that the website can get high ranking, enterprises need to pay more attention to the optimization of website.

Website optimization is divided into two parts: web page optimization and website optimization. Website optimization mainly refers to the optimization of the whole website structure, the layout of the website and the optimization of the SEO. The optimization of web page is mainly to optimize the content of the web page, including the title, keywords, description, links, etc.

In order to reduce the penalty of website, the enterprise should pay attention to the following points: first, the website should comply with the rules of search engine. Search engine will punish the websites that do not comply with its rules. Second, the enterprise should pay attention to the originality of the content. The content of the website should not be plagiarized, otherwise the website will be punished. Third, the enterprise should pay attention to the optimization of the link, the link should be reasonable, not excessive, and the link should conform to the rules of the search engine. Fourth, the enterprise should pay attention to the optimization of the website structure, the website structure should be reasonable and the navigation should be clear.

In addition, the enterprise should also pay attention to the speed of the website. The website loading speed should be fast, otherwise the website ranking will be affected. In addition, enterprises should also pay attention to the update of the website content. The content of the website should be updated regularly to attract more visitors.

In summary, website optimization is an important part of enterprise development. In order to reduce the penalty of website, enterprises need to pay attention to the optimization of website structure, content, link and speed. In addition, enterprises should also pay attention to the originality of the content and the update of the website content.

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